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As a group we are curious.  We all like interesting questions and finding answers.  One of the key skills we hone is the ability to ask the right question.  Then, once the right question has been posed, we have the dedication and skills to find the data and perform the right analysis to answer the question.  A typical case will involve the use of one or more of:  reviewing financial statements, creating financial models in Excel, writing SAS or STATA code to analyze large datasets and plenty of research.

We believe we have to provide outstanding value to our clients every day.  Our reputation rests on our ability to perform top quality work at a fraction of the cost of the big firms.  We accomplish this by hiring smart people and focusing only on the important questions and analyses.  

This is a client-driven business meaning that there will be times when there is a lot of work to be done in a short amount of time and there will be times when work is slow.  When the work is slow, we don’t expect you to be chained to your desk from 9-5.  When work is busy, we expect you to be reachable and available outside of normal work hours.

We are a small firm which allows us to be very personal.  All employees are treated with respect.  By that we mean that you are treated as an adult and we won’t try to micro-manage your time.  Everyone has an office.  We have a very transparent compensation structure.  We believe that all members of the firm should share in the success.  Junior staff get paid a bonus for months in which they’ve been asked to work long hours.  In addition, there is an annual bonus pool that is allocated based on the profits generated by each individual.

Our analysts are expected to commit to working at OSKR for a minimum of two years, but that can be just the beginning.  Some analysts have been promoted to case manager roles and remained at OSKR for over ten years.  OSKR has been an excellent launching pad for graduate school, with recent analysts being admitted to schools such as MIT, Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and NYU.  Others have transitioned to new jobs in industries like technology, financial services, and sports management.  


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